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martes, 5 de noviembre de 2019

Entrevista de radio Prof. Villanueva post 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen-Germany


Radio interview to Prof. Villanueva post 69th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Bremen-Germany made by the German journalist Christopher von Meyden from https://countdown-podcast.de

Interview original source: https://countdown-podcast.de/iac-2018-tag-4-und-5-jim-bridenstine-steckt-im-weltraumfahrstuhl-fest/?fbclid=IwAR1vJCZyTcP6ymWDxsTUM567KbJSPL-tnSYemALkKtS5iwOi5cWyr0McdZI#t=1612
You can find extra information at https://galeriapaulet.blogspot.com/

Entrevista de radio al Prof. Villanueva después del 69º Congreso Internacional de Astronáutica (IAC), Bremen-Alemania, realizado por el periodista aleman Christopher von Meyden de https://countdown-podcast.de

Entrevista fuente original: https://countdown-podcast.de/iac-2018-tag-4-und-5-jim-bridenstine-steckt-im-weltraumfahrstuhl-fest/?fbclid=IwAR1vJCZyTcP6ymWDxsTUM567KbJSPL-tnSYemALkKtS5iwOi5cWyr0McdZI#t=1612
Puede encontrar información adicional en https://galeriapaulet.blogspot.com/

PHOTO: Archive DVC

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2019

Ponencia "Pedro Paulet: El arquitecto del primer motor cohete de propelente líquido del mundo" IAC Bremen 2018 por DVC

Ponencia "Pedro Paulet: El arquitecto del primer motor cohete de propelente líquido del mundo" en el 69 Congreso Internacional Astronáutico, Bremen-Alemania.2018 a cargo del suscrito:

TEXTO en español del audio en ingles: shorturl.at/dhzN6 

Esperamos esto por mucho tiempo. Ahora lo tenemos. Estamos muy felices por eso.
Realmente esperamos nueva información porque es algo muy interesante. Uno de los fundadores de esta sesión, Frank Ordway, hace muchos años, expuso esta historia. Estamos esperando ver nueva información sobre el inicio de la historia de Paulet. El auditorio es tuyo

Muchas gracias. Hola a todos, es un placer estar con ustedes, este es mi primer IAC y es un honor estar aquí. Bueno, el tema de hoy es muy interesante, ya que algunas cosas que se han venido difundiendo no están tan claras y otras están flotando como en el "espacio". Así que vamos a intentar explicar el tema en pocos minutos. La primera imagen que puedes observar es el océano, luego se aprecia el cielo y finalmente el espacio. Lo hice a propósito porque el objetivo del proyecto de Paulet era hacer eso conquistar la movilidad en estas tres áreas. Bueno, para tener una exposición clara. Voy a dividir mi discurso en estos cinco capítulos. El primero es una Introducción, una introducción muy breve por cierto, el segundo hablaré del problema, luego la solución para pasar a algunas quizás aplicaciones que pudo tener en su época y finalmente elaborare algunas conclusiones.
En la imagen izquierda tienen la tierra de la ciudad de Arequipa, Arequipa se ubica en el sur de América en el Perú. Arequipa ciudad tiene un volcán imponente muy cerca, así que como puedes ver allí. En su juventud, al Sr. Paulet le encantaban los cohetes, le encantaban los fuegos artificiales, con 8 años imagínenselo lanzando diversos fuegos artificiales y también practicando los lanzamientos con pequeños animales.
Paulet era un polifacético, un polymath alguien que desarrolla, analiza y estudia muchos campos. Aquí a la derecha pueden observar algunas fotos cuando tenía 8 años, aproximadamente, luego en esta otra 37,  después 40 y posteriormente 58. Por cierto, la pregunta clave que se planteó Paulet fue: ¿Cómo viajar y habitar al espacio exterior? Esa fue la pregunta principal de su vida. En esta introducción deseo destacar los lugares que visitó y marcaron su juventud, el más importante y relevante fue la Exposición Internacional de 1900 en Francia, donde trabajó, donde aprendió mucho de su maestro Marcelin Berthelot. Su tutor lo ayudó a desarrollar sus ideas. Durante este periodo se desarrollaron importantes inventos como pueden observar y en la misma lámina también podrán apreciar la relación de docentes con quienes trabajó y se le relaciona, la influencia que recibió como podemos concluir provino de diferentes países.
¿Qué hay del problema? Bueno, en nuestro presente siglo XXI vivimos con la cultura de la evidencia, eso es cierto, si visitamos un lugar la cultura nos invita a tomarnos una foto selfie y solo así alguien nos cree. Pero hace algunos años no era así teníamos el poder de nuestra palabra. Si te decía que iba a estar en un lugar a tal hora, tu confiabas en mí y yo no faltaba. Bueno, en el caso de Paulet, el problema fue que no publicó sus inventos cuando terminó sus trabajos y experimentos. Si no más bien lo hizo 30 años después, así que eso es un gran problema. 30 años¡ Es por esa razón que algunas personas obviamente dijeron: ¡Buenas, Sr. Paulet, díganos la verdad, muéstrenos los hechos, las fotografías, los videos o tal vez las publicaciones o patentes! Por ejemplo, como se puede observar en esta web que he seleccionado donde se expone la cronología de la historia de la ciencia aeroespacial, nuestro homenajeado el Sr. Paulet no figura.


TEXTO del audio en ingles: shorturl.at/dhzN6 

"We wait for this for a very long time. Now we got it. We are very happy for it.
We truly hope for new information because it is a very interesting SIG thing. One of the godfathers of this session Frank Ordway for many years ago He came up with this story. We are waiting we are very interesting to see new information about the start. The plause is yours

Thank you very much. Hello everybody it is a pleasure to be here this is my first IAC and it is an honour to be here. Well the topic for today it is very interesting as we heard because there are some things that are not clear and other things that are like in “space”. So we are going to explain in a few minutes. The first picture as you can see you have the ocean, then you have the sky and then the space. I made it in purpose because the objective of this project was to do that to go in this three areas. Well in order to have a clear exposition. I am going to divide my speech in these five chapters. The first one an Introduction, a very brief introduction, the second the problem, the solution, maybe some applications of that time and finally some conclusions.

On the left you have the land the city of Arequipa, Arequipa in the south of America in Peru. Arequipa has a volcano near, so as you can see there. At the beginning Mr. Paulet he loved rockets, he loved fireworks, with 8 years you can imagine sending lots of fireworks and also doing some practice with little animals inside.

He was a polymath, a polymath someone who develop, analyse and studied many fields. Here on the right you can see some pictures where he was 8 years old, approximately, then 37, 40 and 58. By the way the question was: How to travel to outer space? That was the main question of his life. The introduction in this case will be the places that he visited, the first the most important was the Exposition of 1900 in France, where he worked there, where he learnt a lot and his teacher Marcelin Berthelot helped him to developed his ideas. Also at that time there were some inventions that you can see here, and in the list you will see the teacher that he worked with, the influence that he had as you can see from different countries.

What about the problem? Well In this century we need a lot of evidence, that’s true, if we are in a place we need a selfie and someone believes us. But some years ago we have our word If I will tell you I am going to be there sharp you trust me. Well in this case the problem was that he didn’t publish his inventions when he finished the works. He did it 30 years later, so that is a big problem¡ 30 years¡ So some people obviously they said Hey¡ Mr. Paulet give me the truth, give the facts, give the photographs, the videos or maybe the papers. Well as you can see there is a web were you have the chronology the history of aerospace science but Mr. Paulet is not there.

And here we have some quotes from different authors that obviously and - I am putting in his feet’s - if you don’t something to check you will say maybe is not true. But on the other hand there were people that also believe him some people that also draw make some drawings from his articles. And they said ok, you did this work you explained in article, I believe you. But In my case in my research was to go a little beyond to check maybe more sources.

On the left you have the famous graphic, the famous drawing the famous sketch that was made in 1947, obviously based on the article of 1927. There was another article in 1944 this one that was made in Argentina where he explained all his works. How about the solution, we have a problem, we have an idea, an invention and we have two perspectives.
My solution was ok I will go to the library I will go - you know - to the files to check what happened at that time. So I found these articles that you can see on the screen on yellow and these articles are not we can say reports, there are interviews, there are articles that he by his word he mentioned what happened at that time. And there was another question where did Paulet study? I found that he studied in different countries in France, in Belgium, in UK, in Germany.

He was here in 1896 in the most famous exposition “The Industrial Exposition” where he learn a lot of things. Also he was in UK in different conferences connected with telegraphy and aviation. And he studied in France as I found he was there – as an official student - from 1898 until 1901. And here on this area we have some pictures of his articles obviously both of them in Spanish. He published all his ideas there.

Also something I want to know it was What about the background? If you do something is not like magic you have to trained a lot so what I found is that he was training art things, he was also doing some sculptures drawings and at the same time practicing with fireworks and rockets. This is a new photograph over there in the left where he was like 17 or 18 years old. But he was not only a student he was a member of clubs, of societies so that is very important to mention.

That is the reason that I am in IAC you have to be part of something part of a team. Also he was doing some watercolours and here we have some sculptures that he made in 1893. Well the solution was there to connect and study both art and science at the same time. These are the photographs of some the exposition that he attended and in order to be a little more clear I just quoted both ideas the first one you have “14 years ago sent from Paris to this newspaper and fantastic news about motor sport” that is a long article almost 3 pages. And in that article he explained how car works, how engines work there and how he was so happy to know about this new field.

On the other hand - this is brand new information - in 1910 there was a special moment for aviation especially for Mr. Geo Chavez and all the things that happened around him. So there was an important interview where he explained all his ideas and it is about 2 pages, the most important there in that interview is that He said “Yes I was practicing with rockets with my rocket engine but I was doing that for different reasons I had to stop”. And as you can see in the text He is like “I am so sad what I stopped”. In this case - and sorry for the big information – I was trying to summarize as a timeline all the things he made obviously the time is running and I think colour will help me.

The green things are the societies that he belonged. It is important as I mentioned not just to focus in our field it is to go beyond and check more things. He was an Aero-club de France member, he was an Astronomical Society member and many other societies that you can see there.

The yellow box is for expositions as I said he participated in many expositions, the sky blue colour are the papers and articles that he published and then next colour the orange one are the universities that he attended. He was an active student as a free student and also an official student. It is important to know because in the XIX century we had that possibility to be in a place as a free student.
And then in the grey colour we have the inventions that he made. Obviously I wrote there 1895 between 1897 because I am still searching - there is a lot of work to do - and he finished the last drawings in 1902. The new information is there as I mentioned articles that explained articles that showed that he was doing his work.

What about the possible applications – I mean – at that time? Also he wrote some of them. But it is also interesting to know that I found some pictures. On the left you have a picture where he was promoting balloons in our country. There is another picture where he was doing experiments with balloons. And this also mentioned the importance of values here because in the second picture it is not for what he can say scientific purpose, He was in a hospital, in a hospital where there people that were almost dying and he was thinking “why not to help them, maybe the last thing he will see on earth will be something interesting”, and When I read that and analyse I said What is the most important in life? Values is first, then is science, technology and the other things.

Well In the third picture you have conference of him. He made seven conferences of aviation in 1910. And all of them were really interesting, different fields about aircrafts, balloons, miniatures, etc. really wonderful. As you can see here are the explanations of the things that he said I will present maybe in the picture, He was trying to teach us or to explain that with his inventions he was – as you can see there –: “It could make true airships with full metal covers” everything, “More comfortable space inside”, finally he called: “The Chemical rocket” to be like this vertical, take off, it was very interesting.

Also here we have more quotes where he started to analyse to reflect about flying in the writings in the newspapers where I found the articles, He is really concerned about the importance of flying but not only at that time, he was thinking a little more. And also he was trying to help my country because we didn’t have too many cars, just one, two, three or four, so he said hey come on there are things we have, the highlands, the coast the jungle, we can do some things.

So he started to write in newspapers to start to spread these ideas. Also he was doing some activities connected with aerospace, with aviation and he was reflecting about the importance of the rockets. Also an important information is that in my country we have a museum fortunately the original drawing of Mr. Paulet is there. So When I visited the museum I was – you know – analysing hours and hours watching the drawings and then when I was closer to the poster to the drawing I found german letters, hey was that¡ So in the picture you can see Vertikal Flug but then he erased and putted vertical flight. So my hypothesis is that he was here in the end of the XIX century in 1896, he knows German, He learnt here German and then he studied also here. So I need helped from you because I am sure that there will be some information in Germany about his studies and many articles.

Then in 1944 in another interview, a famous interview, he explained his ideas of rockets. As I said He was a member of different associations and this is the picture where he studied in France. What about the conclusions well maybe the best way to conclude will be: he made something and there is an interesting thing that he said in the next slide: “rockets at the moment were something new” obviously we were just doing something with aviation but the conclusion is that we need to test, we need to continue doing things and in other articles he said something important: “It is not only the work of one person we need a team to do things”, in the articles that I found he didn’t said I am the inventor of something I am just the architect the designer just that and to be an architect like we are in this building, an architect can’t build all this amazing building alone, but he had the idea, the design, the drawing and that is the most important when we developed new things. Here we have some covers of books that we have in Peru and here to finish I have a list of some of the books that I am still trying to analyse, to read I am enjoying the reading because nowadays we are too much connected with cellphones, but in our country we don’t have too many libraries but I make this list also with colours to be a little didactic the green ones are the articles connected with the writings of Mr. Paulet, the read ones are the people that believe him and there is big list from different countries Russia, from USA, from France and to finish I want to say Thank you very much for your attention. This is my first time here I am sorry maybe for my poor English. I tried to do my best and I am sure as you have in the last sentence the list continue until now. We respect all the perspectives and we hope to add something new to this interesting discussion. Thank you very much.

Well I am surprised this really added something to our knowledge this committee is very happy about it because now we get it in more and more about his life. So congratulations¡ Are there any question?  Well ….Oh yeah Go on:

1)      Do you have any idea where you will start digging for sources in Germany for instance

In our country at the time you have your ID (identification document) at 21 years old so he was with his mother in 1894 and unfortunately his mother passes away in 1894. In 1895 he got his bachelor degree and he travelled to Europe. My first source is that he was in Germany in 1896 in the Exposition there are some articles that he said, that he explained “I was in this amazing exposition too many things I was reading, taking notes may be doing some sketches” and there is another source that he is writing to his teachers in Germany. So I have another hypothesis maybe I want to share right now I think he studied in the same university that Mr. Von Braun studied and in the same university Albert Einstein studied. This hypothesis is in progress. But I have now some really clear stuff that he said in papers in letters that he was studying here that is the reason in my speech I said the search need to continue and I think the next step is in Germany.

2)      I am sorry but you didn’t mention this. Does he was familiar with the work of Tsiolkowski?

That is a good question. Until now I didn’t find connexions. You have here summary. From 1900 until 1945 there are more information He also invented a solar panel in Belgium this is another field. He was in 1928 in the celebration of Geographical society and there is a big report of all the things about that event. I am sure because Tsiolokowki appear on scene almost in the middle of XX century so there will be some connections but I some libraries and I’ll continue the searching.

The other person that comes to my mind is Esnault Pelterie who was active in the early eighteen in France maybe Paulet was familiar with the group in France organizations, and maybe there are some connections.

That’s true He quotes his work He said we need to move from aeronautics to astronautics following his ideas. Obviously yes there are connections.
There is a lot of work to do as you said. Ok thank for your question.

Ok. Thank you very much. 
Professor David Villanueva from Peru.